Module 1: Introduction to Offensive Penetration Testing
Module 2: Setting Up a Resilient Penetration Testing Infrastructure
Module 3: Stage 1 - Initial Access
Module 4: Stage 2 - Execution
Module 5: Stage 3 - Persistence
Module 6: Stage 4 - Privilege Escalation
Module 7: Stage 5 - Defense Evasion
Module 8: Stage 6 - Credential Access
Module 9: Stage 7 - Discovery
Module 10: Stage 8 - Lateral Movement
Module 11: Stage 9 - Collection
Module 12: Stage 10 - Exfiltration
Module 13: Stage 11 - Impact
Module 14: Reporting and Post-Engagement
Client Communication and Debriefing
Client communication and debriefing are critical aspects of the offensive penetration testing process. Effective communication helps bridge the gap between
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