The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is gearing up to introduce a groundbreaking security initiative. Named the “Platform for Advancing Cybersecurity in West Africa,” this initiative is set for launch in Abuja on September 12, 2023.
ECOWAS, a regional body in West Africa, has outlined key objectives for the platform, including upholding data sovereignty, advancing regional cyber diplomacy, combating cybercrime, and safeguarding critical infrastructure. These efforts are aligned with the implementation of the ECOWAS Action Plan, designed to fortify regional cybersecurity capabilities and resilience.
The announcement was made via ECOWAS’ official social media channels and website, signifying the organization’s commitment to enhancing cybersecurity in the region.
The Joint Platform for Advancing Cybersecurity in ECOWAS was initiated during Germany’s G7 presidency, and it comes with an endorsed Action Plan covering the years 2022 to 2025. This action plan places a strong emphasis on building regional cyber diplomacy, tackling cybercrime, ensuring data sovereignty, and fortifying the protection of critical infrastructure.
In addition to the platform’s launch, ECOWAS has scheduled a two-day workshop on Confidence Building Measures (CBM) for regional cooperation. The workshop aims to emphasize the value of developing CBMs as a strategic tool to enhance cyber resilience throughout the region.
ECOWAS is taking a significant step forward in addressing cybersecurity challenges, fostering cooperation, and strengthening the digital defenses of West African nations. The launch event and subsequent workshop represent vital milestones in the region’s ongoing efforts to bolster its cybersecurity capabilities and protect critical digital infrastructure.