Module 1: Introduction to Ethical Hacking & Cybersecurity Basics
Module 2: Home Hacking Lab Setup
Module 3: Introduction to Kali Linux (Hackers Delight)
Module 4: Metasploit Framework Basics
Module 5: Reconnaissance and Information Gathering
Module 6 Vulnerability Assessment
Module 7: Exploitation and Gaining Access
Module 8: Post-Exploitation and Maintaining Access
Module 9: Web Application Penetration Testing
Module 10: Cryptography, Encryption, and Obfuscation
Module 11: Social Engineering and Cyber Fraud
Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
Module 13: Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks
Module 14: Certification Preparation
Module 15: Capstone Project
Lab 2: Using OpenVAS for Vulnerability Assessment
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